Team Demos Rules!
Please join us in the fundraising effort for Kara.
In this picture, Ava and Owen (the two youngest of the Demos clan) share a secret in Kara's new Youth & Family facility. This is where our young clients gather in a circle to tell their stories before scattering to the various activities of their choice - art projects, physical activity in The Laura Marie Lemmon Steam Room, games and tray play. Other inviting rooms are used for Parent Groups, Teens and Middle School Groups.
Kara's loss-specific Adult Groups and Drop-In Groups meet at the 457 Kingsley facility we've occupied since our inception 35 years ago.
Join the Demos team on October 15th for the Walk, or be a virtual supporter through a donation that will directly benefit Kara and all our vital programs and services.
A big THANK YOU! from Team Demos Rules for helping us surge past our goal!